Primary Notes Stage 2
$11.55 (AUD)Primary Notes Stage 2
CSSA Media Works is producing a bible based show for children called ‘In His Footsteps’ The engaging story telling takes young viewers on a journey from creation right through to events from the life of Jesus Christ.
There are 40 + episodes available, and more in production to be released soon! Head here for more information and how to subscribe.
We’re really excited about this work and how it teaches our children about the Bible!
Songs from the first 40 episodes are now available on most music streaming platforms! Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music etc. Just search ‘In his footsteps’
If you would like to know more about our structure and how our Sunday School lessons are set out, click here.
Primary Notes Stage 2
Dramatised Story CD Stage 2
Notes Senior Stages 1-5 Bound
Bible Songs for Young Children
Gift card with coupon to access code to for a 3 month subscription to ‘In His Footsteps’