The comprehensive range of materials are based on a syllabus of 125 lessons which are designed to be applied over a five year cycle. This five year cycle covers the Bible’s history, provides the backbone to the story of the Bible and covers the major principles and doctrines which are essential for salvation. The materials are systematic and follow the Bible account chronologically, thus giving students a solid foundation to build upon. As the student works through the 5 stages they can transition to the next age level while continuing to progress though the stages rather than returning to Genesis every time they move to the next age bracket. By following this system a scholar in their Sunday School life will generally cover the Bible at least 2 to 3 times, firstly at a basic level and then secondly at a more advanced level as scholars prepare for Baptism into the Lord Jesus Christ. This systematic and orderly approach provides a firm footing for developing children as a Heritage unto Yahweh and living a life in Christ.
The five stages are to the general theme of “The Kingdom” and follow the Bible account as follows:
Stage 1. The Preparation of the Kingdom, Creation to Sinai (Genesis 1 – Numbers 10)
Stage 2. The Establishment of the Kingdom, Sinai to Promises to David (Numbers 11-2 Samuel 11)
Stage 3. The Glory and Decline of the Kingdom, Promises to David to Birth of Christ (2 Samuel 12- Matthew 3)
Stage 4. The Royal Majesty of the Kingdom, Birth of Christ to Resurrection (Matthew 4 – John 21)
Stage 5. The Good News of the Kingdom, Resurrection to Christ’s coming (Acts 1- Revelation)
Most commonly an entire Sunday School will follow along one stage per year, and so will be united in the lessons they are learning. The stages then are covered once every five years.
It has been proven for many years that scholars who have followed this structured and logical approach have become well acquainted with the pattern and account of the Bible record as well as have a solid grasp of Bible principles and sound teachings which are based upon the Scriptures of Truth. Scholars remain interested and are challenged to make the Bible a living part of the personal lives with well presented and interesting materials which enable both teachers and scholars to be stimulated and enthused in God’s purpose. There are students all around the world who learn under this system: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, US and many others. We have been blessed with many who have benefited from this system and commend the use of it to all as we prepare a people for His Name.
Each stage consists of 4 sets of notes according to age groups:
Primary, age 5-8 years
Junior, age 9-12 years
Intermediate, ages 13-14 years
Senior, ages 15+
Kindy notes are suitable for ages 3-4 and do not follow the Stage structure, but are a collection of 60 lessons covering Creation to the life of Jesus Christ
Lesson Reference Guide
This pdf is a guide to all the lessons over the 5 stages and 4 age groups. Lesson reference guide
Our constitution can be downloaded here.